Sunday, January 16, 2011

That's All Folks

This is the last blog entry I will be posting here. I have mixed feelings about this blogging experience but at least I feel I have given it a good try for two complete years. I never really intended to attract a following, but I had hoped the follower list would gradually increase. It seems there is very little interest in the blogosphere for what I offer. I do very much appreciate the occasional comment I have received, most especially from "Captain D" my friend from across the sea. I will continue to follow his blogs with interest.

The New Year has brought a new full-time job for me. Coupling that with increased responsibilities at home leaves me with fewer hours than seem to be available. Something had to give and since I would rather read than write about reading, I've decided to relegate this blog to the virtual dust piles of history. I plan to maintain my current minimal presence on "Goodreads" but that will have to suffice.

Thanks for your support,

Ben Thomas


  1. Well Ben...I hope the new job is what you were looking for. Here's hoping that in the near future you will be able to get your business off the ground. Keep in touch.
    Best Wishes, Harmony Lynn

  2. Ben, I'm sorry I haven't been following your blog frequently enough to have noticed this post!! Some "friend across the sea" I am!

    In my defence, I became a dad shortly before you closed your blog, so my life has been rather different... !

    Sorry you didn't want to continue blogging. To be honest my Books blog is probably the least followed of all my (at least reasonably) regularly updated blogs.


Top 10 Books in no particular order (Well Known Authors)

  • "The Stand" by Stephen King
  • "Kane and Able" by Jeffrey Archer
  • "The Killer Angels" by Michael Shaara
  • "The Dark Elf Trilogy" by RA Salvatore
  • "Name of the Wind" by Patrick Rothfuss
  • "River God" by Wilbur Smith
  • "Mortalis" by RA Salvatore
  • "Ender's Game" by Orson Scott Card
  • "Centennial" by James A Michener
  • "The Repairman Jack" series by F. Paul Wilson

Top Books/ Series in no particular order (Lesser Known Authors)

  • "The Sculpter" by Gregory Funaro
  • "Power Down" by Ben Coes
  • "Revolution at Sea Saga" by James L. Nelson
  • "Black Rain" by Graham Brown
  • "Top Producer" by Norb Vonnegut
  • "Prairie" by Anna Lee Waldo
  • "The Wild Blue" by W. Boyne & S Thompson
  • "Unsolicited" series by Julie Kaewert
  • "Freedom" by William Safire